Bring Afro-Cuban 6/8 grooves to your drumset!

6 Lessons | 1,5 Hours of Videos | 31 Exercises | 248 Audio Tracks | 20 PDF Pages

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Interested in mastering the rhythmic foundations behind classics like Afro Blue, Footprints or Higher Ground?

Afro-Cuban 6/8 rhythms have been a strong inspiration for countless drummers. This course teaches you different applications of percussive elements to the drumset, appreciating and celebrating the rich drumming legacy and heritage of both Africa and Cuba.

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Traditionally the word Bembé refers to certain religious gatherings in which people honor and celebrate different Orishas (deities), but is also used as a generalized name for a rich and exciting family of grooves. One can consider the Santeria and Abacua traditions/communities as the driving forces behind many of the 6/8 related Afro-Cuban rhythms in this tradition.

In Santeria, these so-called Orishas are connected to special signature rhythms. The typical instruments used here include three types of batas (Iya - Itotele - Okonkolo), a leading voice from a metallic-sounding voice (usually a hoe blade or guataca, often replaced by a cowbell) and a Shekere. These special signature rhythms also have their own clave version in 6/8 assigned to them. Studying the tradition of Santeria would involve a lifetime of studies in itself, and one can trace its roots back to different cultures/religions brought about by African people like the Yoruba. Catholic saints are also equated with deities of the Santeria (Santa Barbara for Chango, or Saint Anton in the case of Ellegua) . This is also described as Regla de Ocha, or “the way of the saints”. One might also come across the word Lucumi, relating to those African people who brought about the tradition . It is also said that each person is influenced by a certain orisha, and offerings like liquor or flowers are presented to these deities.

The Abacua tradition is a bit of a different story. While still having African roots, it has a different cultural, religious and social background. Different drums are also used - one will not find batas being used here. One typical rhythmic ingredient of this tradition is the use of 4-note groupings inside the 6/8 rhythm.

This course will teach you some different applications of these traditional rhythmic languages to the modern drumset.

Entry level: Intermediate

6 Lessons

1,5 hours of videos

31 exercises

248 audio tracks

Try this course for free with these lessons:

This lesson is all about introducing you to the Bembé pattern and teaching you two basic but authentic 6/8 grooves. From a standpoint of technique and coordination this lesson’s content should not be extremely difficult to grasp, but will still be an important requirement to master.

Course booklet to each lesson

In addition to all the video materials, exercises and support you’ll get a downloadable, printable booklets to each lesson with exercises so you can study wherever you want, even if you don’t have your phone or internet connection.

BEM booklet page 1
BEM booklet page 2
BEM booklet page 3
om team claus hessler

Meet your instructor!

Claus Hessler

Master of Moeller Technique
Virtuosic improviser with masterful coordination
Successor to Jim Chapin
Innovator in the “open-handed” style of drumming

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+105 comprehensive lessons based on consistent, legitimate and usable information

+21 hours of high quality video content with all the explanations and exercises with sheet music on the screen

+430 exercises with practice pointers, explanations, audio tracks, and many functionalities to help you organise your daily routines

+3250 audio tracks to each exercise that you can easily loop and play in different tempos

249 pages of booklets with exercises that you can download and print to study wherever you want

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