Discover legendary New Orleans Second Line Drumming with Claus Hessler

Discover legendary New Orleans Drumming / Second Line Drumming with Claus Hessler

5 Lessons | +1 Hours of Videos | 32 Exercises | +220 Audio Tracks | 27 PDF Pages

Learn about this early form of Jazz and different ways to apply the typical New Orleans / Second Line rhythms on the drumset. Be it more or less swung or straight, this kind of a groove has had a huge impact in the history of drumset playing and will definitely strenghten your sense for shuffle.

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Connected both with the Mardi Gras (and the related Carnaval parades in New Orleans) and funeral ceremonies, legendary musicians like Baby Dodds, Zutty Singleton, Ray Bauduc or Paul Barbarin created some milestones in the development of this early form of Jazz. A lot of clave related structures of Caribbean rhythms were combined with the typical drumming of the marching brass bands. The course will give you an idea how to apply these New Orleans/Second Line structures both in a very traditional fashion around the drums and also expand towards more modern ways of interpretation.

Entry level: Beginner

5 Lessons

1,5 hours of videos

32 exercises

+220 audio tracks

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This lesson offers an introduction to the basic 2-beat feel that can be considered an important precursor to the grooves in the early styles of jazz. Much of “classic” musical stuff or “symphonic jazz” has to do with it as well – in that sense, the lesson is also very relevant to any working drummer. And then, of course, there’s the aspect of 2nd Line / New Orleans drumming in which the classic 2-beat feel cannot be missed.

Course booklet to each lesson

In addition to all the video materials, exercises and support you’ll get a downloadable, printable booklets to each lesson with exercises so you can study wherever you want, even if you don’t have your phone or internet connection.

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Meet your instructor!

Claus Hessler

Master of Moeller Technique
Virtuosic improviser with masterful coordination
Successor to Jim Chapin
Innovator in the “open-handed” style of drumming

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+105 comprehensive lessons based on consistent, legitimate and usable information

+21 hours of high quality video content with all the explanations and exercises with sheet music on the screen

+430 exercises with practice pointers, explanations, audio tracks, and many functionalities to help you organise your daily routines

+3250 audio tracks to each exercise that you can easily loop and play in different tempos

249 pages of booklets with exercises that you can download and print to study wherever you want

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